Tuesday, May 14

Pennies for Rainy Days

Tonight finally finds me in a good mood. I'm sorry if I haven't written in awhile, but I guess I've just been down in the dumps and not really in the mood to write. I'd start entries only to get annoyed or overwhelmed. So more likely than not they wouldn't get finished. I had a huge case of writer's block mixed with a bunch of I don't want to take anymore BS from people syndrome.

However it is finally Spring and if I have learned anything over the last few years of my life it is that this season, while not my favorite, has taught me the most important life lessons. This Spring has been no exception. It started off so crazy! With every blustery snowstorm I was able to spend wonderful snow days with my boyfriend.
Even though I was more than ready to see the sunshine, I was blessed to have days that let my new relationship blossom. In those moments I am left with memories I will not soon forget. Each of those days let me see how relationships are suppose to be. It is about simplicity and it is about falling in love with someone even in the most unexciting times.

As well as the snow days I also got to have a wonderful trip to MOA and IKEA with Alex. It was the first Sunday either of us had off in such a long time. There is something so magical and amazing about IKEA. It lets your dreams of future float into your head. How things could be if given a little more time. Time is such a frustrating thing for me these days. I never feel like I have enough of it. I feel like my life is blasting by so quickly and that has been making me kind of stressed out a lot lately.

Today was the first day in the 90s here and I was finally able to just let it go. I got some time to take in the sweet summer air and breathe. Living in the moment and loving what I have in my life. Today I was able to see all the things I have going for me. That I have a lot in my life to be blessed for. I finally got the attitude adjustment I've been waitng for since November. I finally feel like although I may not have exactly everything I want right now; it doesn't mean I never will. Although I am finding car shopping more depressing than fun, despite the fact that I am having a harder time turning 25 this year than I though, and between saving all my pennies for the future. Well I'm just plain bummed and exhausted. Today's sunshine just lifted my spirits and it makes me look forward to Summer. I'm so excited for the summer with Alex.

I seriously love that boy. I've never been in love like this before. I feel as if I fall even more in love each day I'm with him and I can't wait to see what our future holds for us. I know that this is good for me because I'm finally able to let go to fate and what God decides on things. I've learned with Alex that he loves me and wants me. So I don't need to be all nervous about the future. I have found my better half and I'm happy. It has been a lot of rainy days, but I've been storing up pennies. Maybe someday I'll be able to use those pennies for fun stuff. Good Night.

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