Sunday, April 4

Easter Is About Love For Everyone

As I sit in the glowing light of my computer screen this Easter morning I am thinking a lot about religion. It sparks from the ideas of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit among all of us. I do believe within every piece of my heart that I know who God is. In my heart and my soul God is a forgiving father who loves his children no matter what mischief they might get into. God does not spite people or punish them with death. He loved the world so much that he sacrificed his perfect son so that we wouldn’t perish in death.

Today’s Verse says: “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace”- Ephesians 1:7

I believe in God’s unwavering grace and forgiveness in the world. I know that he does not pick and choose who is worthy and who is not. Like I was talking about in a different blog God is patient. He will wait until he can save the most souls before sending his son again. He loves the world and his creation. So why would he be eager to see it all perish? That doesn’t really sound like god does it?

With that being said, I have never been more disgusted with people of faith more in my life. I don’t even believe these people are real Christians. However I am not God and I am not omniscient so I must not judge or condemn. I would sink to their level then. I’m talking about the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS. This horrible church (with a web site with the URL godhatefags) and protest group goes around picketing things because they believe it is god’s will. With people like this running around I’m not surprised so many people have turned to atheism. Just so that you can get a small idea of what I’m talking about here are three separate statements they proclaim in the name of god.

PS: I think the only person that can proclaim god’s world fully is um… God himself! However I digress and here they are:

1) On May 14, 2008, two days after the deadly 2008 Sichuan earthquake, WBC issued a press release thanking God for the heavy loss of life in China, and praying "for many more earthquakes to kill many more thousands of impudent and ungrateful Chinese Communists.
2) Westboro picketed the funeral of recording artist Michael Jackson after his
unexpected death on June 25, 2009.[34] Members of the Westboro Baptist Church have also recorded a song titled "God Hates the World", an adaptation of Jackson's charity single "We Are the World."
3) In August 2005, a group from the church protested at the funeral of Edward Myers, a soldier from St. Joseph, Missouri, who died in Iraq. Shirley Phelps-Roper told a television reporter that Myers was "burning in Hell."

It makes me extremely sick to think about this. We have brave men and women dying so that these people can even have the right to protest and they take it for granted. They should all be forced to live in a country that isn’t as wonderful as America. All of them would die because of their lack of freedoms. I’m trying extremely hard to not be bitter or angry because god wouldn’t want me to be like that. So I have faith that these modern day “Pharisees” will eventually see the error of their ways. I don’t get it? When did it become ok to pretend to be god? When did it become ok to act this way? I don’t really know however it saddens me greatly. I hope to talk more about this later. I hope all of your understand that God Loves You So Much! These people are not right and will never be right. God loves the sinners and the saints. God loves the bruised and the broken, hopeless, hopeful it doesn’t matter. God loves EVERYONE the same! Nobody should ever feel like god doesn’t love him or her and what these people are doing is wrong.

Remember that god sent his only son to die because he loves you. It isn’t about the bunnies or the eggs. It is about the love of our father above. Have a Happy Easter!

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