Wednesday, December 26

It's OK If You Don't Finish Your Bucket List In One Year

I have found in the last few years of my life that the world spins rapidly and days rush by so quickly that we often lose sight of what is important to us. In these fast paced lives we live it is so hard to focus on the things we wish deep in our hearts to do. I realized at the end of a destructive year that I needed a new beginning. At twenty-two I saw clearly that I hadn't really been living for me. I had put so much effort into doing good things for a treacherous boy that I forgot about my dreams and goals. So I made it a new tradition to start making lists and crossing things off of them. The list is about finding those secret things and accomplishing them, not as a resolution, but as a way of truly living a life. It is a way that I've found I've never been happier. I think it has brought me many blessings and a new outlook on how I want to lead my life. So as I began last year I had a few items crossed off, but I also added a few things as well.

Here are the results as of 2012:

  • Finish 2 Classic Books Before 2013: This will happen. I promise. As my life started last year I had a wedding to help with, a speech to write, a new job to prove myself at, and not a lot of time to read. When I finally found slivers of time to read. I also go to my fluffy chick lit. However maybe next year if I am more specific I will be able to accomplish reading a classic.
  • Join a book club: With Amanda leaving we decided to start the Itsy Bitsy Book Club. Our first book is The Pact by Jodie Picoult. As soon as Amanda gets settled in Germany we will begin. I am excited.
  • Be a kick ass Maid of Honor: I don't know, but I think I made a decent Maid of Honor. I believe I accomplished the writing a meaningful speech part, but let us just say I am full of disaster and I think the bride might have wanted to kick my ass on her wedding day. However I've learned that being the “Maid of Honor” has always been and will be my job. It isn't exclusive to just a wedding day. It is about being a part of that person's life. Whether it be keeping her company while her solider is away or being on a phone call from Germany at 3:00am. It is being a kick ass friend. And I already have that down.
  • Sing Karaoke: Maybe with enough liquor and encouragement I might be able to accomplish this in 2013. Maybe with a new boyfriend I might have inspiration as well.
  • See Hot Chelle Rae: Last March I was devastated when I went to by tickets for their show and they were sold out. However the were on tour with Demi Lovato for the state fair. August 28, 2012 I finally got to see Hot Chelle Rae and it was AMAZING! Everything I dreamed it would be.
  • Save $: Um.... it is hard.... This is a continuing struggle, but with the right support system it will happen. I think I needed a more solid goal to save for and now I do.
  • Nice dinner by myself: When I made this a goal I wanted to remind myself that I was a self-sufficient and independent girl. However I realize that going out and eating good meals with friends is far better. Getting to eat at Famous Daves with Amanda or P.F. Changs with Sara. Driving to Maple Grove to get cupcakes or Stillwater for apples and cherry berry. It is about memories. Who wants to eat by themselves?
  • Diners, Drive ins, Dives: Over Spring Break I got to enjoy dessert with Matt Tillman at Truffles and Tortes. During the summer I got to eat at the cheap Mexican restaurant with Lauren. I look for to many more.
  • Crash a wedding: I haven't exactly crashed a wedding, however I have been to quite a few this year. I went to three weddings, including being the Maid of Honor for one. My best friend got married and two of my cousins. I'm realizing the care that goes into planning a wedding and I think I have too much respect to interrupt someones special day. However you never know.
  • Get a Tattoo: I finally did it! On St. Patrick's Day this year I finally swallowed all the fears and got my very first tattoo. It is inspired by the theme of the Hunger Games and means a whole deal of a lot to me. It says “out of destruction comes rebirth” with a daisy. It is everything the has captured my soul these last few years and I am proud to have it on my body forever.
  • Breakfast at Tiffany: I feel like I am always so busy, but maybe one day I will get to do this.
  • Sew a Quilt: Although it didn't happen this year. I do have plans to sew one for someone next year. Gives me an actual goal and a purpose. It will happen.
  • Learn to make a Sushi: On my birthday this year Sara and I went to what we thought was a sushi making class. It was sort of like that. Technically I learned how to make sushi, but I'm excited to go to the next class.
  • Read more Non-Fiction books: Being busy often leads to little time reading, but I have bought quite of few non-fiction books that I look forward to reading.
  • Make dinner at least once a week: If you count the fact that most nights I come home after dinner. I would say that this has been accomplished, but... I think this is a more futuristic goal.
  • Cook around the world: When I grow up and have my own kitchen I think this will be easier to accomplish as well.

So there you have it. I look forward to talking to you sometime next week (and funny enough next year) I can't believe it is 2013, but I feel like it is going to be a great year.

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