Friday, March 12

Dear John

I love a good late night blog. While the world is sleeping and as I ponder during the early morning hours life seems to be in better focus. Tonight I remember Saturday night and it was great! Time with our fabulous four reminds me of all the awesome things I love to share with them. Being with Amanda, Cole and Jordan never feels wasted. It was date night and us girls decided on a good cry fest only to be saddened for a different reason. We went to go see “Dear John” and although the movie fell short of the amazing Nicholas Sparks novel I enjoy the way it makes me think. If you have no idea what I’m talking about it is a story about a young man, John Tyree. He is on leave from the army in North Carolina and meets a soft-spoken girl, Savannah. It took two weeks for them to fall in love with one another. The story is about the journey of finding love and losing love. The question of: can you really love someone who is never there?

I did like the movie despite the fact that they screwed it up from the book in the origin. However it has a good message about distance and time. The film is about a relationship that must survive in its long distance. As I slowly move towards my own relationship’s journey of long distance I think of the relationship John and Savannah had. I am not talking about movie John and Savannah, but the couple they were from the novel. Here are two young people probably around the same age as myself. They fall in love and even from the beginning their love is tested. I wonder what tests my own relationship will face? I know at this present time that trust is a huge issue. Will that ever change? Especially before Jordan leaves for River Falls. What will happen? I’d like to know the answers. To know if Jordan will grow into the man I need him to be by leaving home or if he will grow into another someone I don’t even recognize.

It is extremely scary and I feel the way Savannah felt during her first letter. We are both scared and uncertain, but hopeful and sincere. The world is our oyster. She just tried to find the pearl. I am frightened because men don’t seem to get how much their decision effect the girl they are with greatly. For instance John chose his duty and honor over his love for Savannah. Boys in my life lightly whether friends or my own boyfriend are constantly making decisions. Some are so amazingly good and others so devastatingly bad. I pray god will help me not go crazy these next few years of my life. These are critical and I am hoping that they will be the best years of my life. I hope to learn many more lessons, but would like to throw out that I don’t want to learn anymore ‘tough lessons’ when it comes to Jordan and my relationship. Anyway I’m tired. So night folks!

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