Monday, January 11

Live Like I’m Dying While Trying To Shoot The Moon

Hey I’m sorry it has taken me a little over a week to post my first blog of the new year, but I guess 2010 is going to be the kind of the year that makes me busy. As I said goodbye to the end of 2009 and celebrated the beginning of 2010 I could feel the excitement in my heart. I watched the Billboard New Year’s Bash while ringing in the New Year with the newest American Idol Kris Allen. His hit “Live Like We’re Dying” was the song I wanted to hear to put me in the right mind set. Going into this year I knew I needed to change a lot of things. I need to be more patient and to live and let go. I needed to gain the ability to just let life happen in its crazy chaotic fashion. Letting life and god take me where I need to go. Kris Allen’s song gave me the motivation I needed to let go of 2009 and look forward to a new decade in 2010.

The first week of 2010 has me feeling as if I’m “Shooting the Moon.” It has left me determined to get what I want this year and this next decade. It left me with big dreams and the realization that they might not happen exactly the way that I want them to, but to enjoy the ride anyway. This week was amazing. It is going to be rough going back to the grind of finding a job and preparing for Jordan’s departure in the fall. This year not only brings a lot of motivation, but a few challenges for me. I have a good feeling though. This past week was brightened by the alluring presence of my dear Amanda. Days spent watching movies and hanging with our boyfriends are things we will never take for granted. We have grown so much closer this year and know in we will gain more strength in our friendship over the next coming years.

This weekend I began watching the Star Wars Saga with Jordan and Cole. We have gotten through ¾ of the movies and I look forward to finishing it. Other than that, there is still so much to discover yet. I just know that this weekend started a new life for me. I can’t wait for everything this year has to offer me.

Happy New Year Folks! May 2010 Bless You With All God’s Glory.
I leave you with a new year’s prayer:

My Dearest God,
I’m so glad to have my faith back. It has been a rough two years not feeling your constant presence in my life. I hated being confused and I hated feeling lost. However like a shepherd searching for his lost little sheep you have located me and found the depths of my hearts love for you. I have miss you Lord and wish that you may continue to bless my loved ones, everyone around me, and myself from the horrible things of this world. I pray that all lost things may return to me this year. Including my camera cord and GPS mount. I no this are materialistic things and hold no importance to your will, but they would make it more convenient to live. We will check back on these items later.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

New years was fun wasent it I do miss those good fun times. They are those pure memories I will hold onto for the rest of my life. I'm sorry the new year has gotten off to a rough start but have faith. I will try