Sunday, December 27

Let’s Ruin The Holidays “According to Sue Patterson”

You know blogger friends I love you. Seriously I owe everyone that reads this some much. It is nice after a rough day to just let the words flow out of my fingers and onto a page. The thing I love about a blog is that I can get out all my frustrations about life, love, and people. Sometimes I get some amazing comments and great pieces of adivce that help me from going crazy at times. Not everyone understands this freedom of speech and I will get an occasional flame. From another one of those ‘frustrating people.’

Within the last weeks of December I came home Christmas Eve morning after spending time with my female love and best friend Amanda for her 21st Birthday. As I quickly logged onto Facebook to check my restaurant and update my status I came across the most headache-inducing message. I haven’t talked to Sue Patterson in almost three years. We never really got along in high school so of course this was a surprise. However as you would guess it was not a surprise to see she had written me a heated message about how much of a horrible person I was to Nate. WTF? I have tried with a lot of purpose not to think about Nate. I haven’t talked to him since October and this girl who claims to be his “new best friend” starts yelling at me on Facebook. It is kind of funny for her to yell at me about someone she doesn’t even know anymore.

I tried politely to explain to her how her precious best friend was being the type of person she hated. That he was becoming the type of person that uses god as a weapon instead of a guide. However to no avail her uneducated, hostile, and just plain rude attitude came out. She had a vendetta from high school that she chose to unsuccessful to shove down my throat over the holidays. Doesn’t she have anything better to do? Are there really people out there blogger friends? People so desperate for human contact that they pathetically find a way to bring up things that happened and were finished before they got involved. Which makes me wonder WHY WERE THEY INVOLVED? It really isn’t Sue Patterson’s business to tell me to get over something that was over before she dragged it back into my life.

Whatever; I have great friends that have my back so I don’t need to worry about stupid girls who can’t get over the drama of high school. Like I said I love you blogger friends for being my emotional and written punching bag. I will talk to all after the New Year. Thank again for all the support and love. Yes, I do know that a blog is just a blog and a b*tch will always be a b*tch.

Good Night Folks!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

It took me a second to remember who Sue was, lol.

That's too bad you had to receive that message from her. At least you kept your cool, no sense making the situation worse.

You can check out my blog as well, but I don't know how interesting a sports-centric blog will be for you :-P