Saturday, December 12

Good Days In December

Today was a good day. In a world with so much stress and sadness it seems that lately that my good days are far and in between the not so good ones. However today was one of the miraculous days god will give when he feels someone has reached his or her breaking point. I have always believed in the words of John 16:33: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." It states that god will never give us more than he thinks we can handle. It is well known that I feel as if my 2009 has gone by fast and wasted lost. Lost in what god wanted for me; lost in who I was supposed to be. Today I felt like a fresh breath of air filled my lungs with a sense of hope. I happily awoke this morning to the news I would get to go to a free play. Next I got the best phone call since I don’t even remember. So it seems that the case of the disappearing camera has been solved and yes I HAVE MY CAMERA BACK! Finally! I cleaned up the house and myself and went to the play.

This play was exactly what I needed for tonight. A beautiful display of what the true meaning of what Christmas is always about. With an array of music and dancing I was allowed to remember what I love about this time of the year. So… today I am going to quickly jot down my top ten loves of December.

10. Christmas music
9. Christmas shows and specials
8. Snuggly blankets
7. Christmas Parties
6. Family fun
5. Amanda’s Birthday
4. Presents
3. Candy canes in my hot chocolate
2. The savior child being born to save me
1. Christmas cookies

I wish everyone the safest and happiest of Holidays. Whether it is Christmas or Hanukkah I hope it leaves you feeling loved. I wish for the excitement of the new journeys the year 2010 will bring for you. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

PS: To one special follower thanks. I never really knew how much my blurred thoughts and frustrations meant to people. How they could guide people. I don’t know if I remember you, but I’m glad you read. It gives me the purpose and drive to continue to write, making me feel like my words mean something to at least someone.

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